So for this week and next, I'm supposed to be on vacation, or taking it easy, at least, while my second set of beta readers have Daughters of Misfortune and are preparing to give feedback. So of course I scheduled all kinds of things for this fortnight like proofing a...

Fantasy Read #7
This week for the #50antasy2019 challenge I chose an own-voices novel, Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan. Beautifully written and unputdownable. I'm a fast reader, but this one I devoured in one night. I just could't stop reading. What are you reading now? Join...

Fantasy Read #6
For my 2019 reading challenge this time I picked The Huntress by Malinda Lo. A YA fantasy novel with LGBT themes, it was a beautiful story full of emotion as well as fantasy adventure. A coming of age story, but so much more. What are you reading this week? Let's read...

January is over!
Hello friends! It's February! Woo! In January,I wrote about 33K magical words on Legacy of Ancients! Not bad considering I started on a week in because of holidays, got sick (which turned into a nasty ear infection), had a surgery in the family, and had a guest for a...

Fantasy Read #5
Book 5 for my #50fantasy2019 challenge is Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova. I have been especially interested in reading books by PoC, books with LGBT themes/char, and award winning/nominated books. This one ticks all three boxes! What are you reading now? Join me on...

Fantasy Read #4
Book 4 in my challenge to read 50 fantasy books in 2019 is Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller. I chose this because it was about a genderfluid wannabe assassin and their quest to achieve their deadly goal. Join me in reading this or any fantasy novels this year! Let’s...