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Strange Times
I always intend to update social media more than I do, but I tend to get so engrossed in whatever project is on my desk at the moment. So to update for pre-spring! (Because Spring is threatening to come, but it's not quite here yet.) It's March and I've already been...

I'm a bit late for a Happy New Year, but time just gets away from us all, doesn't it? So 2019 was a bit of a strange one for me, but not in bad ways! Like everyone, I've had my struggles, and sometimes I wasn't sure how I was going to get through it. But something...

This past weekend was my 50th birthday, and my partner managed to get a couple of days off work (no mean feat at his current job) so we had a four-day weekend full of waffles, cake, and general nonsense. This was probably the most relaxed I've felt in some time, so...

So for this week and next, I'm supposed to be on vacation, or taking it easy, at least, while my second set of beta readers have Daughters of Misfortune and are preparing to give feedback. So of course I scheduled all kinds of things for this fortnight like proofing a...

Kindle Matchbook
Recently, I learned that Amazon is discontinuing its Kindle Matchbook program. It was one that allowed readers who had purchased my books as a paperback to receive the ebook editions at a discounted price. This is most unfortunate, as I felt like it was a fantastic...
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