My partner and I took the weekend away. Not far, but far enough to give a little change of scenery. I’d planned to spend the weekend lounging around a hotel, maybe reading and relaxing, using their lovely indoor pool, hitting the hot tub. Getting room service. It wasn’t meant to be.
No, a St. Patrick’s Day parade was scheduled for Saturday right next to our hotel. And it was already getting loud by 8am and only promising to get louder. Marching bands and loudspeakers and arenas full of people loud. So we hit the road and went to a restaurant we’d been hearing about…a couple hours away.
So I didn’t get stuck into my reading list the way I’d hoped (I’m finishing up reading for the Nebula finalists for the next couple of weeks because voting closes end of March.) That means no #50fantasy2019 post, but I did get some much needed time away.
I’m nearing the end of the first book of the Legacy of Ancients. I crossed the 85K line and I have about 5 chapters left on my outline. That means if all goes well, I may finish it up this week. Usually something goes wrong, but I make plans anyway.
The image with this post is from some artwork done by LizardBeth Art that depicts one of my characters. She’s a kick ass sorceress living as a religious devotee. If you want to see all three main characters in this trilogy, you can see the new social media banner with their portraits here. I love how they turned out!
I hope you had a lovely weekend too! Now, time for me to dig into the final stretch and get that first draft onto the page!